id your banners
Auto upgrade all image banners to high-end videos.
Improve site's loading time. Amazing user-experience.
Lower bounce-rate. Unforgettable video-branding.

id your products
Play all your products, on all desktops and mobiles.
Grab clients' attention on your e-commerce website.
Offer discount with sales videos. Sale more products.
id technologies
Forget about videos that doesn't play on your site.
Get the ultimate technology for your website videos.
Powerful features. Flexible pricing. Better conversion.
Play anytime anywhere
Videos playback on all browser and mobile device.
Desktop, Android, iOS and even low battery playback.
Revolutionary video encoding
Encode short videos to a size smaller than images.
10k-200k videos, 10 times smaller than YouTube.
Artificial intelligence for websites
Our AI technology will understand your website.
Auto-replace any image to video, cross-platform.
Animate any site’s images
Upgrade your site's images to pro-animated videos.
Best quality. Fastest delivery. Unlimited revisions.
Add call to action videos
Choose the videos that you need to sale more.
Beautiful gallery. Clickable videos. More conversions.
Full playback control
Control how videos will play on your site, for best UX.
Auto-play, mouse-over, pause, loop or with transparency.
1-minute easy integration
Simply place minified JavaScript Pixel on header pages.
Example: <script=".../vidsite.min.js" async></script>
Upgrade SEO performance
Remove heavy images or videos. Much faster site loading.
High Google rank. Smallest video sizes. Lower bounce-rate.
.Vid - new video format
Introducing "yourvideo.vid" – the best video format.
Made for web. Supported by all browsers & devices.
API integration
Stream from closest Cloud edge server or Your local server.
Privacy and security top standards. VIP support.
Pay per unique video views
Show your site's visitor engaging videos or animations.
Sale more on site. Pay per unique impression only.

id your sales
New buying experience of your costumers' journey.
Beautiful engaging videos, integrated into products.
Highlight your sales offers. Increase in conversion.

id your forms
Don't ever miss clients that missed your contact form.
Beautiful engaging videos, integrated into your form.
Get more clicks on the contact button.
Videos today should be the center of your entire website.
- Clients spend 88% more time on a website with videos. *
- After watching a video, 64% of visitors buy a product online. *
- 68% of 50 top internet retailers use videos on their websites. *
- Increased site conversion by 30% and average sales by 13%. *
- Videos give the confidence to purchase online to 57% of clients. *
Login and transform your website to Vidsite.
- Place Vidsite JavaScript pixel on your head pages:
<script=".../vidsite.min.js" async></script>
- Upload your video for super compressed encoding.
- Choose video call to actions from our gallery to put on top of your banners, products or contact forms.
- Animate any image on your website with our pro image-to-video.
Videos today should load fast, be short and engaging.
- Boost your website loading time, like it had no images or videos.
- Disable your images loading and stream videos from Amazon.
- Zero-loading-time videos encoded to a size smaller than images.
Your website videos are cross-platform supported.
- Videos play on all modern browsers' resolution, bitrate or codec.
- Videos play on all modern mobiles devices, tablets or desktops.
- Control how your videos: Auto-play, mouse-over and timing.
Vidsite will easily create all the videos for your website.
- Auto created video labels with beautiful animation for any need.
- Custom animation for any banner or product on your website.
- Upload and manage your own videos or animations.
Your website videos should be shared anywhere.
- Download your website video banners and products.
- Share your videos on any social network.
- Post on Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin or Amazon.
id your website
For pricing and information book your free demo today.

Upgrade Your Website Now